Option | Added In | Type | Use | Default |
JOB_QUEUE_DEBUG | 1.0.0 | integer | If greater than zero, print debugging messages. | 0 |
JOB_QUEUE_PRIVILEGED_TEMPDIR | 1.1.1 | scalar | The zsh-job-queue temp directory for privileged users. Trailing slash is optional. | ${${JOB_QUEUE_TMPDIR:-${${TMPDIR:-/tmp}%/}/zsh-job-queue-privileged-users}%/}/ |
JOB_QUEUE_TIMEOUT_AGE_SECONDS | 1.1.1 | integer | Duration in seconds between push ing and pop ing a job after which it is considered to have timed out. | 30 |
JOB_QUEUE_TMPDIR | 1.0.0 | scalar | The zsh-job-queue temp directory (for non-privileged users). Trailing slash is optional. | ${${TMPDIR:-/tmp}%/}/zsh-job-queue/ |