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These docs are for the recently-released v2.

If you are or were using v1, check out the v1 to v2 migration guide and/or read about pinning v1.x.




OptionAdded InType
JOB_QUEUE_DEBUG1.0.0integerIf greater than zero, print debugging messages.0
JOB_QUEUE_PRIVILEGED_TEMPDIR1.1.1scalarThe zsh-job-queue temp directory for privileged users. Trailing slash is optional.${${JOB_QUEUE_TMPDIR:-${${TMPDIR:-/tmp}%/}/zsh-job-queue-privileged-users}%/}/
JOB_QUEUE_TIMEOUT_AGE_SECONDS1.1.1integerDuration in seconds between pushing and poping a job after which it is considered to have timed out.30
JOB_QUEUE_TMPDIR1.0.0scalarThe zsh-job-queue temp directory (for non-privileged users). Trailing slash is optional.${${TMPDIR:-/tmp}%/}/zsh-job-queue/

Except where otherwise noted, © 2024 by Henry Bley-Vroman and licensed under zsh-job-queue's license.